Category: Q:Church

  • What is the Church Supposed to be Doing?

    In his autobiography, Charles Spurgeon gave the following insight into the Christian ministry: I do not look for any other means of converting men beyond the simple preaching of the gospel, and the opening of men’s ears to hear it. The moment the Church of God shall despise the pulpit, God will despise her. It […]

  • How did Jesus Christ grow His Church?

    There are hundreds of ideas floating around right now about how the church of Jesus Christ should grow.  In our day and age, Christian leaders are obsessed with finding new ways to get their membership roles to sky-rocket and their offerings to go up and their baptismals to run over with new converts. To prove […]

  • What is True Worship?

    If you asked the average American 200 years ago, “Why do you go to church?,” he would probably say, “Because of the preaching.”  He would say that he goes to hear the Word of God expounded and explained.  A high value was placed on the office of preacher in the 1800’s.  Sermons were talked about […]

  • Is the Church necessary?

    Is the church still needed today or is there a better way to live the Christian life?  Several decades ago, that question would have been unwarranted as Christians understood that the primary place where they should worship is the church.1  But, today, with the amazing rise of parachurch ministries and other Christian organizations,2 the question does […]

  • What is Expository Preaching and why is it important?

    If I could pick a job that is becoming more and more outdated today, to the point that it might become extinct in the next 100 years, I would pick the job of a preacher.  In most churches nowadays, Christians are becoming less and less eager to want to sit through a 30-45 minute sermon.  […]